Monday, May 12, 2014

They have testimonies

Wow skypíng yesterday was awesome!  It went way to fast.  When elder w and I were walking in the street afterwards it just seemed like a dream and that it didn´t actually happen.  It was just a weird feeling.   But I know it happened now because you talked about it:)

That is sooooo good to hear that prom was a massive hit.  It sounded so much fun.  And jefferson that is so sweet that you are buying a uke today that has electricity. That will be awesome!  Are you still practicing and learning new songs?  I tell all my comps how I play but then I say that you are way better than me.  And that is crazy about the 52 lawns!  Holy Reais!!! 

So mother...... I can say this only because I´m not home but you are wrong....  I´m the one that got transferred:( :)  I did not see it coming at all. I was convinced that either elder wal was going or we were staying but not that I was going.  I was super sad at first because of all of the people I had gotten to know and the friendships I made.  But I wasn't devastated.  Whenever Saydi talks about getting transferred it always sounds like she is super sad.  I was sad for a little then I just got excited.  I feel like I did a good job in cidade do leste strengthening the ramo and just doing the work of the Lord.  Now I just get to do it all again!

I´m really excited to be working here. I´m still in manaus.  Not really sure the bairro. I think it might be called Êxodo because that is the name of our ward.  But I´m very close to my old area, I think I’m just north of it in Cidade Nova.  And my companion is..... an Argentine!!  That is right Jackson, from the country of the smiling sun.  He lives in tucuman. He also said that he heard of you?  Not really sure but he said he heard of an elder ostler in Argentina.  He is way sweet and only has 5 weeks on the mission.  He is just a great guy. He is 7 days younger than me.  He is really relaxed.  Today we did a cleaning of the house.  Mission houses sometimes are just filthy.  But the first thing I always do is clean them.  We still aren´t done yet.  I just don´t see how elders can let the house get that dirty.  Hadn´t been swept in about a month.  Dirt just lining the walls on the ground.

So I  got transferred...  last night I called up A & J (the family that we baptized) and gave a bye.  They were sad that I was leaving so quick.  But I told them I´d be back to see them again.... hopefully for their selamento here in a year.  They are just so special to me.  We worked so hard to get them baptized.  And I know that they are going to stay because they have testimonies.

The biggest challenge was A e café.  She just couldn´t give it up.  She would always accept the invite to stop but then when the headache came she would fall.  So on Wednesday morning we went over and took her coffee!!

We went to her house and stole her coffee.
Well we actually did a trade.
We gave her cervada. It is just like coffee but is made from barley.
It was great.....but she bought more and drank it.  grrrrr satan.  Then on Thursday we went and saw them at night and she said she had drunken some that day.  The next morning Friday we went over and had breakfast with them.  She said that she wouldn´t drink it but she wouldn´t let us take it.  We knew that if it was in the house she would drink it.  She asked if she could take it to her aunts house just so that we didn´t have to throw it away.  We agreed and walked down the street with her to give it her aunt and then told her aunt not to let her drink it!  She didn´t drink any more and she was baptized on Saturday night with her family!!!! What a glorious day.

Like I said, it started to rain at about 5:30.  The baptism was to start at 6 but it got adiado até 7:30.  During that crazy storm we were calling people to go get our investigators in cars and I actually went with one of the men in the ward to go get J.    The picture is of all of us.  The 6 baptisms.

Bom de mais!  It was such a good baptism.  The best part was in the hallway right before they got baptized and we were showing them how it would be in the water.  They were just all so excited!  We were just all in the hallway all in white.  They were about to start a new life with a clean slate.  They were entering the waters of baptism. J & A looked so awesome in their macacões.  The baptism was just awesome!!!

After the baptism reunion we had a mothers day activity. We had a ton of investigators there!!!!! It was crazy.  We didn´t get home till like 10 that night..... And then we had to prepare our talks for Sunday..... we had them mostly done just putting the finishing touches on. I talked about the tree of life vision by lehi and how he tasted of the fruit and wanted to give it to his FAMILY!! I talked about how there are members of our families who don´t have the fruit and we are to give it to them.  It went pretty well. I prepared a 15 min talk and gave it in about 7 mins because of all of the confirmations.  But hey, I´m not complaining.

So I got the package today!!!!!!!! But still haven´t opened it.... first thing I´m doing when I get home.  And I also got the letter in the brownish envelope.  So I have just been thinking about things I would like.  One is pictures... like pictures are always good.... but I would like some of me before the mission.  Like playing lax or with my friends and the family.  So I can show my comps what I did before the mission.. and what lax is. And also some more handkerchiefs, sometimes they fall out of my pocket and I loose them.

You guys do so much for me you have no idea.  There are elders out here who NEVER get letters or packages.  And on pday the only person they email is their girlfriend.  So thank you so much for everything you guys do for me.  Especially your prayers.   Thank you so much.. always know that I love you guys and pray for you guys to. 

Boys break the wrist and walk away.  I´ve learned this with comps when you try to argue something it never works out.  Just stop and have the spirit of Christ!   It all works out:)

Well I love you guys a ton but I´m thinking about you less and less because I like to think about missionary work instead.... sorry but it is the truth:) kakakak  have a great week! And have fun in iceberg mom!
Tudo Bem

Elder Ostler

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